Message from the President
The California Crisis Intervention Training Association is devoted to promoting CIT training and best practices throughout California.
California has a unique approach to CIT Training and Program Development. We have diverse communities in each county. Due to the varying populations and size of the 58 counties we are making an effort to standardize a system of training to accommodate these specific county needs.
Aside from local law enforcement agencies, we also include Bart, Transit, Correctional Officers, Veterans Associations, College systems, Hospital Security, Ambulance Paramedics, Dispatchers or Call Takers, CHP, Park Rangers, Federal Marshalls and others. According to the 2013 Census Estimates, the State population was approximately 39 million. We are one the fastest growing States. A recent survey of the State to learn which communities offer CIT resulted in responses from 22 counties and 1 city. We know there are more offered that did not respond. Some of the above offer Assessment & Referral Teams, Mobile Crisis Teams and PERT.
Some of the trainings are offered in the academy, some, immediately after, while others train after spending some time in the field. Approximately half of those responding report using the Memphis Model of CIT training. Some use an 8 to 16 or 24 hour overview or introduction to CIT. We hope that all will offer to attend a 40 hour training as it evolves and expands throughout the state.
We extend our sincere gratitude to all of our sponsors and volunteers who have invested their free time to make CACITA a success. Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) is a vital part of community response to the needs of individual and families living with mental illness.
Our unpaid volunteer board of directors comes from law enforcement, mental health, advocates and individuals with a mental illness.
Thank you again to our sponsors, colleagues and community partners.
Yours Sincerely,
CACITA President

The California Crisis Intervention Training Association (CACITA): Statement of Diversity and Inclusion CACITA is a non-profit, all volunteer organization representing community organizations, mental health professionals, and first responders.
CACITA is devoted to promoting crisis intervention training (CIT) and best practices throughout California. We value the strength that diversity and inclusion adds to our trainings, and any training endorsed by CACITA.
CACITA welcomes organizations, instructors, and members without regard to race, religion, color, age, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic disposition, neurodiversity, disability, veteran status or any other protected category under federal, state and local law.
We work to establish evidence based practices & program support for crisis intervention training throughout California
To accomplish this purpose, we work to raise public and stakeholder awareness through education and outreach, establishing and disseminating standards for developing, implementing and sustaining crisis intervention programs within the diverse communities of California. We provide assistance to Behavioral Health and Law Enforcement partners interested in developing CIT programs, supporting research, improving public health and safety.
The purpose of the California Crisis Intervention Training Association (CACITA) includes:
The promotion and expansion of Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) throughout the State of California.
The provision of professional forums, meetings and conferences for the purpose of sharing best practices among CIT officers, CIT presenters, behavioral health and other health care professionals and community partners.
Continues knowledge and skill development for CIT trained officers, presenters, behavioral health professionals and other first responders to support the healthy and safe communication and wellbeing.
Facilitation of ongoing dialogue and partnerships among behavioral health professionals, community partners and law enforcement.
The development and promulgation of evidence-based best practices by which California’s law enforcement and public safety agencies and other first responders can improve service to people in crisis.